Are Your Goals Impacting Your Website Performance?

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Ever wondered why your website is not performing as well as it should be? The answer could lay in the platform!

You want something that is easy to populate and update, giving your customers a seamless experience.  

Working with the wrong platform can create numerous issues both at launch and as your business continues to grow. These include:

  1. A website is created that does not address all your needs
  2. Your website is not scaleable
  3. The website has so many plug ins and additional code that it impacts performance

There are numerous e-commerce platforms, and each has its merits and drawbacks which makes it important to understand the goals of your website and pick a platform that can deliver to your needs.

Within those needs is the scaleability of the business. We would recommend choosing an agency that you can update you to a fresh platform as the need arises.

To make this journey a little easier to understand, we have broken down a typical e-commerce site into three increasing levels of need:

Basic Sales

This would be for someone who is not looking for anything too complicated, essentially a site customers can browse, click, and purchase from. The primary need is an efficient process, which is hassle-free, perfect for a sole trader or small business.


Adding customisation, such as bespoke sizes, colours, or material combinations to your platform allows you to personalise the customer’s journey on your platform. This can lead to more sales, make you stand out from the competition, and gain a better insight of your customers.


Adding integration to your platform allows you to introduce third party software to your website. For example, it would allow you to introduce an Electronic Point of Sales (EPOS) system to your page. This can add a level of automation, making your e-commerce site more efficient to run.

This would be suitable for a larger company as it allows you greater access to information, gathered from multiple systems, into one place. For example, tracking how much stock you have in the storeroom and sales rates for restock and marketing purposes.  

The Key Takeaway.
If you are looking for an agency to help you with your company’s growth, make sure you go with one that can grow your website as you grow your business.  

Don’t rely on a ‘make do and mend’ mentality to web development. This could slow your website, cause extra work, and give your customers an overall bad experience.  

Ready to make the move and upgrade your platform?

Contact us to arrange a consultation to further discuss what is best for your business and how we can help.

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